2024 Jack Pomi Software Report

The year 2024 marked the first full year of Jack Pomi Software's existence. As of 11 January 2025, my programs are yet unnoticed by anyone. Of course, this is understandable - I did not invest in any kind of marketing or stuff. Yet this year marked the initial establishment the organisation in the Internet. Let's take a look on how that progressed.

On 4 February, the first software title was released - IE Return. Over the course of next three weeks, the program went through several updates, finally stabilising at version 3.0.0, which was released on 28 February. No more updates will be released to this program, and later in this report I will explain why.

Work resumed on video games. On 18 July, Oltcit Escape's demo edition was released on itch.io. I am planning to make a second demo with better 8-bit graphics later this year. Another 8-bit-styled JavaScript game, themed on WWII aircraft, will also be released this year. It is currently under development.

On 20 August, UAC QuickAccess was released. This piece of software was written in just 3 hours and is available in usual and stripped-down version. Only one update was released and no further updates are planned, as is in case with IE Return.

Aside from three titles released, this year also saw the expansion of the organisation's Internet presence This website, Twitter page, YouTube channel and GitHub page were all launched from February to August of this year. I think this amount of websites is enough for now.

And what about the future?

As I said, I'm not planning to update IE Return and UAC QuickAccess anymore. I want to release another small program named IsGenuine in early February. It will determine whether your Windows 10 or Windows 11 is activated or not. In summer, I am planning to release a much larger program that will fuse IE Return, UAC QuickAccess and IsGenuine into a single settings application and add more new settings. Of course, the future program will copy Aero user interface from Windows 7 as today do IE Return and UAC QuickAccess.

Also, some may have noticed the "FrutiWeb" link at the bottom of this website. Yes, this is part of mu future plans. For now. let's keep it secret.

Report made by Jack Jackie Pomi, 11 January 2025.